

Junior School

Developing Successful Lives

Year 5

Curriculum Overview




Below are details of what homework is expected to be completed each week:


  • Read at least 4 times a week and complete your reading log in your diary
  • Maths activity
  • Spelling Shed games linked to your weekly spellings
  • TT Rockstars / Numbots  


A maths activity is set on a Friday and is to be completed by the following Thursday so that the work can be reviewed in class before sending out the next activity the following day.


Passwords for online accounts can be found in your child's diaries. If you have any problems accessing the online portals, please contact your child's class teacher in the first instance.  Thank you for your support.

If you'd like something additional for maths:


TT Rockstars battle of the classes - who will win this week? 

There is also a session on TT Rockstars- who will complete the most time on TT Rockstars and become our Rock Champion? 

Maths Shed - games linked to your Maths topic

White Rose 1- Minute App


