

Junior School

Developing Successful Lives

Pupil Premium and Catch Up Funding

Pupil Premium


This money is used to provide interventions and support for children who have been in receipt of free school meals during the last 6 years, Looked after Children, Service Children, adopted and vulnerable children. 


We have a clear process for identifying relevant interventions for different children, through regular meetings of our Inclusion Team which includes Headteacher, SENDCo, Governor and other relevant staff. All teachers contribute to the review.


Some examples of how we allocate PPG is detailed below, for a full breakdown of the use of the Pupil Premium money, please see Pupil Premium Strategy document.  Please note that this is continually being reviewed, monitored and updated.


  • Weekly Forest Schools sessions, including training for staff and maintenance of wooded area.
  • Intervention programmes for groups of Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6 children to further develop their reading and writing skills.
  • Out of school, morning or afternoon, booster is run for small groups of 4 to 6 children for reading, writing or maths where necessary.
  • We employ a full time Specialist Teaching and Learning Assistant for Behaviour and attendance.
  • We employ a Specialist SEND Teaching Assistant.
  • We provide support with mental health and emotional issues, such as bereavement, separation or divorce anxiety, health issues and relationship concerns (for example Me Time, Circle Time, Lego Therapy, Anger/Anxiety Gremlins, Draw and Talk).
  • Staff are released to attend CiN/Child Protection meetings, we fully engage with all outside agencies.
  • Financial support is given for school trips and visits to ensure all children can participate and fully engage in the curriculum.
  • We run and subsidise our Morning Club, providing breakfast and child care - including pupils from nursery and the infant schools and provide free individual or family places as required.
  • We financially support our After School Club to ensure continued availability of out of school care for local families, including pupils from nursery and the infant schools.
  • Where appropriate we support families with uniform, PE kit, and additional equipment to enable all children to take full part in education without embarrassment.


The impact of all interventions is closely monitored within Glebe by all staff to ensure all children reach their potential.  We continue to review our practice and are always seeking ways to address areas of need. If you have any suggestions, ideas or comments, please contact us on 01773 811304.

Glebe Junior Pupil Premium Strategy 2022-2025 - reviewed Autumn 2024
