Please note that homework for each Year Group can be found on the Year Group page. Any online homework will be set and details of the activities for each year group can be found on the Year Group Pages under 'Learning.'
Governors have produced a clear policy for all homework, hoping to meet the fine balance of supporting children’s learning while enabling them to enjoy their childhood and out-of-school activities. The most important element of homework is the engaging of parents in their child’s school life. It is the interest shown which is important, the listening and discussing, not the ability or knowledge of the family member.
Supporting Your Child
- The most important homework for any child is Reading. Please support your child by ensuring they read to an adult or independently at least 4 times a week. Also read to them regularly, including poetry and ensure boys see men enjoying reading.
- Please support your child to know their times tables through games and activities, including through TT RockStars, Maths Shed and other computer games.
- Engage children in life through shopping, cooking and when travelling etc. a. Measure, weigh, use a clock, calculate timings, add money, work out change, calculate best value, read recipes and labels, etc. b. When travelling, look at maps together, use a clock, discuss countries, timetables, distances, calculate mileage or journey time.
- Physical Activity; All children are asked to take part in at least 15 minutes of physical activity 3 times per week, which might be swimming, walking or as part of sports club.
Our homework policy can be found on the policies page.