School has a financial responsibility to publish the number of school employees who have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more in increments of £10,000. Glebe Junior School does not currently have any employees meeting this criteria.
Financial Benchmarking
Please click the link below to take you to the schools financial benchmarking service.
Private School Fund
Glebe Junior School runs a Private School Fund. This is organised separately from the main school budgets and is used to support the school in a wide variety of ways, including the supply of extra resources for our children.
The account is externally audited annually and approved by the Governing Body. The latest audit was approved in at the Governors Meeting in January 2023. Parents/Carers are welcome to ask to see the audited account in order to promote accountability and transparency within our schools.
Please contact the school office for further information.
Our school has Public Liability Insurance arranged through Derbyshire County Council. Please contact the school office if you require sight of our current insurance certificates.
Any claims against the school should be directed to the county council electronically using the Claims Notification form and emailed to
Further information can be found on the insurance page of the S4S website.