

Junior School

Developing Successful Lives


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities


All schools are supported to be as inclusive as possible, with the needs of pupils’ with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities being met in a mainstream setting wherever possible.

The four broad ‘areas of need’ are defined as:

Communication and Interaction, Cognition and Learning, Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties, and Sensory and Physical Needs.


Our school SENCo (special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) is Mrs Rachel Whelpton. She has dedicated time each week to support children and families.
If you would like to see Mrs Whelpton, an appointment can be made through our school office.

From the 1st September 2014, under Section 65 (3) (a) of the Special Educational Needs (Information) Regulations, all schools are required to publish an SEN Information Report on their school websites. This report must contain SEN information as is set out in the Schedule, as well as utilising the Local Authority (LA) Local Offer. Consequently, the report should meet the needs of SEN pupils as determined by school policy and the provision that the school is able to determine.


Further information on the Schedule can be found by following this link:

What is the Local Offer?

The Children and Families Bill became enacted in 2014. From this date, Local Authorities and schools are required to publish and keep under review information about services they expect to be available for the children and young people with Special Educational Needs (SEN) aged 0-25. This is the ‘Local Offer’.

The intention of the Local Offer is to improve choice and transparency for families. It will also be an important resource for parents in understanding the range of services and provision in the local area. Derbyshire’s can be found by visiting the website below.

Glebe's SEND Information Report 2024/25

Please click below to view Glebe's Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement



Derbyshire Information, Advice and Support Service for SEND



Derbyshire Information, Advice and Support Service (DIASS) is the new name for the Parent Partnership Service. We provide independent information, advice and support to children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), as well as their parents and carers. This includes Autism, Aspergers, ADHD, Dyslexia or any other special educational need.

Please note: Our website includes hyperlinks to other websites owned and operated by third parties; such hyperlinks are not recommendations. We have no control over the contents of third party websites, and we accept no responsibility for them or for any loss or damage that may arise from your use of them.