Our Attendance and Punctuality Policy can be found under 'Key Information', 'Policies'.
2023/2024 attendance target is 97%.
Attendance 01/09/23 to 27/10/23: 95.2% National Average: 93.7% (https://explore-education-statistics.service.gov.uk/find-statistics/pupil-attendance-in-schools)
Year 3 = 96.2%
Year 4 = 95.7%
Year 5 = 94.5%
Year 6 = 94.6%
Attendance 01/09/23 to 22/12/23: 94.9% National Average: 94.7% (https://explore-education-statistics.service.gov.uk/find-statistics/pupil-attendance-in-schools)
Year 3 = 95.4%
Year 4 = 95.4%
Year 5 = 94.2%
Year 6 = 94.8%
Attendance 01/09/23 to 16/02/24: 94.7% National Average: 91.9% (https://explore-education-statistics.service.gov.uk/find-statistics/pupil-attendance-in-schools)
Year 3 = 94.9%
Year 4 = 95.1%
Year 5 = 94.4%
Year 6 = 94.4%
Attendance 01/09/23 to 28/03/24: 94.9% National Average: 92.5% (https://explore-education-statistics.service.gov.uk/find-statistics/pupil-attendance-in-schools)
Year 3 = 95.3%
Year 4 = 95.2%
Year 5 = 94.6%
Year 6 = 94.3%
Attendance 01/09/23 to 24/05/24: 95.01% National Average: 93.1% (https://explore-education-statistics.service.gov.uk/find-statistics/pupil-attendance-in-schools)
Year 3 = 95.16%
Year 4 = 95.47%
Year 5 = 94.85%
Year 6 = 94.57%
Children who are persistently late or absent soon fall behind with their learning. Children who are absent from school frequently develop large gaps in their learning which will impact on their progress and their ability to meet age related learning expectations. A child whose attendance drops to 90% each year will, over their time at primary school, have missed two whole terms of learning.